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Installing Applications Through the Android Market

The Android Market is essentially Android’s answer to Apple’s iPhone App Store. As of September 2009, the Android Market already offered well over 10,000 applications, and this number has only continued to grow. In addition to the applications the Android Market offers, you can also use it to install other downloaded third party applications.

  1. Copy the APK file to your Android’s memory card and insert the card into your phone.
  2. Download and install the Apps Installer application from the Android Market
  3. Once installed, the Apps Installer will display the APK files on the memory card.
  4. Click and install your APK files.

Installing Applications With Android SDK

It is possible to install APK files without utilizing the Android Market, although the process is more difficult and complex. To avoid the Android Market, you need to use Android SDK.

  1. Download and install the Google Android SDK program and the Android USB drivers. The download links are as follows: http://code.google.com/android/intro/installing.html
  2. http://dl.google.com/android/android_usb_windows.zip
  3. You need to modify your Android’s settings to allow the installation of applications from other sources. Under “Settings,” select “Application Settings” and then enable “Unknown Sources.” Also under “Settings,” select “SD Card” and “Phone Storage,” and finally enable “Disable Use for USB Storage”
  4. This last step is easy. Open Command Prompt and type the following: adb install <1>/<2>.apk
  5. However, when you type the command, replace <1> with the path to your APK file and replace <2> with the name of the APK file.
  6. You’re done! Your application is now ready for your use and enjoyment.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android)

The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android)

Overview: The Jupiter Advantage Pro identifies fortunate cycles of time as mapped by orbiting planet movement in the sky and shows you when your personal rhythms are also in alignment.

Requirements: Android OS 2.2 and up

Market Update Released: August 4, 2012

Price: $3.99

mgp1 The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android) 785ab749 The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android)

Events that unfold in alignment with good cycles show up as lucky coincidences. Planning activities in alignment with good cycles is having “the wind at your back”

The Jupiter Advantage Pro analyzes existing cycles, selects and rates them. Planning activities at good times will support the best that can happen.

Features in the Lite Version

- Enter your birth date to determine your Jupiter sign.

- Check the results screen for a favorability rating for the current location and time. Seven stars is the maximum. If there are no stars, then a message that there are currently no events will be displayed.

Additional Features in the Pro Version

-Change the time location to get results for a different place.

-Check the 12-hour preview screen for a forecast of favorable times for the following 12 hours.

1. Use a long press (about 2 seconds) on the Google Map screen. When Google finds the new coordinates a date and time tumbler will be presented.

2. Enter the new data and swipe to the next screen. The times list and the Results view will display events for the selected time and location.

Your Jupiter sign explained—

When someone asks you “What’s your sign?” They are referring to the sign the Sun was in at the time of your birth. Almost everyone knows what their Sun sign is.

What most people don’t know is that there is a different sign for each of the other planets in the solar system at the time of your birth. Each of those planets has a different focus and unfolds its individual meaning with its own force and speed.

Jupiter grants expansion. It is the largest planet in the solar system except for the Sun. It is ten times larger than the earth. When Jupiter is in a favorable position, at peak energy and strength, its influence is powerful and generous. Santa Claus represents the energy of Jupiter racing across the night sky, handing out gifts to the lucky.

When Jupiter is rising in the sky and in favorable angles with other planetary bodies it operates to expand everything it touches. If it is also connecting with the birth locations of planets in your personal horoscope sky map, it will include you on its gift list.

Tap the Jupiter icon from the Actions menu and select your birth date and year. The Jupiter Advantage finds your Jupiter sign and saves it for future reference.

Find your Lucky Times—

The Jupiter Advantage uses the longitude and latitude coordinates provided in your phone to calculate the view of the sky from your specific location and evaluates the favorability of planet positions.

Suggested lucky time can be especially significant for you if your personal Jupiter sign is moving across the power angles. An additional benefit occurs when the current moon is also in the same sign as your Jupiter.

In making a determination on the potential significance of a specific moment in time, The Jupiter Advantage considers a complex combination of factors–the more factors in play the more significant the time.

There will be days where there is just nothing interesting going on in the sky. The Jupiter Advantage will display a “no events right now, check back later” message.

We at Right Times Research believe there is more potential in astrology based apps for the non-specialist user than just sun sign predictions. We are developing apps based on solid astrological concepts and accurate astronomical calculations.

We improve our apps based on data and feedback we receive from our users. The more data we have to test our concepts, the better our results. We love hearing from you. Feel free to post on our Facebook page or on our website “RightTimesResearch.com.

We hope you enjoy using “The Jupiter Advantage” and wish you “Lucky Jupiters.” And, if you win something, share it.

3ae78e42 The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android) d6fe430e The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android)

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Download The Jupiter Advantage Pro 1.1 (Android)

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